Wednesday 10 October 2012

'Reality Is Broken' by Jane McGonigal - Gaming Facts

  • Globally, the online gamer community - including console, PC, and mobile phone gaming - counts more than 4 million gamers in the Middle East, 10 million in Russia, Mexico and Vietnam, 13 million in Central and South America, 15 million in Austrailia, 17 million in South Korea, 100 million in Europe,105 million in India, and 200 million in China.
  • There are more than 6 million people in China who spend at least 22 hours a week gaming (the equivalent of a part time job).
  • More than 10 million 'hard core' gamers in the UK, France and Germany spend at least 20 hours a week playing and more than 5 million 'extreme' gamers in the US play on average 45 hours a week playing games.
  • The gaming industry is expected to have a profit of $68 billion per year by the end of this year.
  •  69% of all heads of household and 97% of young people play computer and video games.
  • 40% of all gamers are women.
  • 1 out of every 4 is out of the age of 50.
  • The average gamer is 35 years old and has been playing for 12 years.
  • The scientific journal 'Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking' reported in 2009 that 61% of surveyed CEos, CFOs and other senior executives say they take daily game breaks at work. 

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