Sunday 9 December 2012

Just Dance Regional TV adverts

For most game advertisements on television, they have to be altered slightly according to which country they are promoting the game in. An example of this can be seen in the 'Just Dance 4' game adverts, which are broadcast in countries such as the UK, the US, Australia, China etc. In the US advert, we are taken through a house to the song 'Good Feeling' by the American artist Flo Rida, who also appears at the end of the advert. Another American celebrity, Shane Dawson, (a famous Youtube vlogger) also leads the camera for a couple of seconds of the advert - it is those American celebrity appearances differentiate this advert from the British one. In the UK version, the advert features more actual gameplay, and also shows some implications of a British audience, for example, the Union Jack print leggings on the game character, and an promotion for the Sainsburies supermarket at the end.

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