Monday 3 December 2012

The UK Retail Market: Today and the Future

Today, the retail market for games in the UK is still going strong, with many shops such as GAME, HMV and even supermarkets like Asda selling video games across the country. However, over the past year, it is clear that the gaming retailers are having some issues.
On the 14th of September 2012, it was announced that the 122 Gamestation's across the UK would be closing down and being renamed under the Game brand. This could illustrate the decreasing demand in hard copies of video games due to the increase in sales of downloadable versions of the games (on online stores such as the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live).
Mike Jervis, joint administrator at PwC (powerhouse of a commercial enterprise) said "The group has faced serious cashflow and profit issues over the recent past. It also has suffered from high fixed costs, an ambitious international roll-out and fluctuating working capital requirements. Despite these challenges, we believe that there is room for a specialist game retailer in the territories in which it operates, including its biggest one - the UK. As a result we are hopeful that a going-concern sale of the business is achievable."
From this major event, we can see  that the UK game retailers are having a slight struggle with selling their games, and this trend may continue in the future. It is a worrying thought for the retailers, however, it is conceivable - could all games become digital, therefore putting the UK Retail market out of business?...

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